There are many reasons you may want to follow the work at home mom career path. For starters, spending time with your kids. The work at home mom can be apart of their kids routines through out the day. You can take breaks with your kids and be there for them when they get home from school or when your kid gets sick and needs to come home from school early. You will have unlimited time with your kids.
As a work at home mom, you can supplement or maintain your income. Mom's who leave their careers to raise their kids can ease their way back into the workforce by becoming a work at home mom. Give up the commuting. When you work from home, you no longer have to spend money on gas, insurance, car maintenance and time in the car going to and from work. This can save a small fortune in time and money. You can have flexible work hours. Work at home mom's are more flexible with their time.
If you have a doctors appointment, you can schedule it at any time without having to take time ff work, going in late or leaving early. You can work while the kids are in school or after they've
gone to bed at night. You have more control over your own schedule. Sense of control. You will be able to make time for you and your family. You may feel that working at home puts you in control of your own destiny and you can more effectively gain a sense of balance in your life.
Plus the income you generate by working from home can make a huge difference on the luxuries you might otherwise have to give up. Save money on childcare. Now that you are home, you no longer have to take your kids to daycare, or if you have school age children, you don't have to pay someone to watch your kids before or after school. Save money on clothes and lunch. Working at home makes clothes optional. You ca work in your pajamas or in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. You won't have to spend another dime on expensive work suits and shoes. You will also save money on lunches by eating at home instead of restaurants and vending machines.
Of course there are also drawbacks for the work at home mom. For instance, isolation. Sometimes work can be the only social life a mom has. Sometimes work can be a stress relief away from the
madness of everyday life. Another drawback can be bad eating habits. Working from home gives you the chance to snack throughout the day because you know you can. Distractions can make work difficult. Especially if you have kids that aren't in school yet. Although these are problems that can hinder more than help your choice to be a work at home mom, once you get yourself into a routine, you should be able to get these drawbacks under control before too much damage is done.
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